SSA-CND /2002

Sun Outage Event


Sun Outages is a natural phenomenon which has an effect on your network that cannot be avoided. Your satellite network may be interrupted by this event which will happen twice every year during the month of March (summer) and September/October (autumn).


We are reminding you of this occurrence since it will happen soon in the coming months. The length of degradation, as in this case, varies depending on your earth station location, antenna size and frequency used. Therefore, kindly check our Sun Outage Prediction at the following details:


*        Go to

*        Fill in the latitude, longitude antenna size, and downlink frequency of the earth station.

*        Select the satellite you are assigned, the season (summer) of the year and the year (2011)

*        Click “Predict Sun Outage Now” to know the date and time of Sun Outage.


Kindly provide accurate data and complete the information requested to give you a more right result.


Should you have any requests or questions, please feel free to contact us at Thaicom Customer & Network Services at telephone number (662) 596 5077; 591 0712; 591 0721, or Fax number (662) 591 0720.



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